Thursday, 14 June 2012

Cool story, needs more dragons.

You know that you are up shit creek without a paddle when you begin to ponder on the possibility that life in the dark and slightly over-exaggerated mythical times, where dragons polluted the skies, seems like a lovely vacation from your current reality.

Life is a tricky little thing isn't it, we are placed on this planet naked, scared and crying later to find that a large portion of life is spent in this state of mind. Maybe a little less naked, that is a whole new ball park. It is the thing of good vs evil or more so, identifying what these two words even mean. What makes a good person? I don't like this word good, or more so the stereotype of "GOOD" that I obsess over. I often like to do things of good will, and try to spread a smile. Instead, I find myself getting lost in my mind, ultimately screwing things up and coming out at the end with no recollection of why I did what I had done.

What is it that fuels our mind, pushes us to make decisions that we wouldn't usually make. Okay, so lets face it. There is always one big one called Lady Liquor. Alcohol, you choose it, but only sometimes will it choose you in return. One night it is your best friend, the next it is tricking you to do things you wouldn't usually do, only to wake up the next morning for it to have left you lying alone to deal with the consequences. BUT you can not blame Lady Liquor, because this is the risk you are taking when you choose to feel that burn down your throat and that shiver down your spine.

So, taking alcohol out of the picture, what now? I am going to wrap it up in to a disappointing little present of underlying insecurities. These insecurities that fuel these quotes that get us, well maybe I am just speaking for myself, in to a lot of tricky situations. They go a little like this:

"You only live once"
"What if I didn't"
& the killer "Why not? What is the worse that can happen?"

With that third one, usually I say that, but never actually think of the worst thing that could happen. It is a really stupid state of mind, trust me - that state of mind broke my spine.

Now is where I will cue, Newtons Law. Correct me if my reference is wrong - every action has an equal reaction. So cliche, but so true.

I was going to continue by saying: think before you act, or consider the consequences of everything you do but, that is not easy my friends. I like to think that we learn from our mistakes But remember, you can never take your past away, you can only put it behind you and try to move forward.

Slowly things will always get better (in most scenarios), but then they get worse. That is just the big middle finger of life. Naked and crying seems pretty good compared to some of the things that are waiting for you around the corner.

I would now like to apologize for my deep and somewhat depressing blog entry. Looking back, this entry is actually all over the place, as is my life and the scattered remains of my mind. If you have made it this far, well done and thank you for letting my rambles captivate you.

To leave on a remotely positive note, good luck readers and remember that you'll always need the bad times to be able to properly respect the good times.

With love,
from the person you may think you know so well that barely even knows herself,
Tessa Rose.

Fine print: No, this is not where I am going to say that you have been charged 1c per word read and a fee for clicking on this blog. I just want to say, and again I rarely do this like I said that last time I did this, unfortunately this is a part that is aimed at only one person. If you are reading this, and you will know who you are: just know that I am thinking about you.

Friday, 1 June 2012

What will you do with your opportunity?

It more astounds me, than it does amaze. Time is just something that there is never enough of, even when it may feel like it is dragging on - you never know how truly lucky you are to be living in that moment, until its gone.

I will now take this opportunity to apologize for my absence. It is one thing to manage your time, but procrastination is a whole new game. But I am here now, that is all that matters.

Right now, present time. People lack the capability of living in the moment, focusing on right now. Don't get me wrong, I am saying this simply because it is one of my main troubles. Not only myself, but I know others too have difficulty with this - it is often that we find ourselves reminiscing the past or planning the future. The focus relies on how you are feeling, but how you are feeling is determined on your focus - therefore, how are you meant to know how you feel if you are living in a different time? You just read that sentence, it is now in the past, but the way your mind is accepting this next sentence is 100% influenced by the nature of the last one. Have I confused you yet? Good.

The mind is a powerful thing, that never ceases to surprise and confuse me. Many avoid thinking about it really. Psychology, there are a million books - twice as many websites; but we are still never going to be a step ahead. Some things in this life aren't meant to be explained, and that is the thrill of it. Not knowing what life will throw at your next but trying to keep the faith that what ever does happen, it is for a reason.

This can be so difficult though. When you are stuck in, what I like to think of as the cloudy abysmal parts of life, you can only see negative. You try to see positive, but it always seems to have this negative response, making you realize how shit what you are going through at that time really is compared to that time when it all seemed so simple.

Forever rewinding, fast forwarding; never simply hitting pause.

Every second passing, is a memory. The seconds approaching, are opportunities to create new memories.

Don't waste time, because (and I repeat) you never know how truly lucky you are to be living in that moment, until it is GONE.

I would like to think that my last few minutes bashing my laptop keyboard can be seen as inspirational, maybe its not your cup of tea? Oh well, you made it this far so I must of done something right to keep you captivated.

Just to finish up, I will give you a brief update:
Radio show is still kicking fierce, few ups and downs but I still find myself in love with the process of radio broadcast. Below I have attatched the link to my most recent show (wednesday 30th may). You will find my ARTS ON AIR segment at 5 minutes and 49 seconds in to the podcast. If you have a listen, feel free to tell me what you think. 

Thank you for optimizing this moment to support my dream to write and perform.

<< Coffee, combined with a note pad and pen -        lethal weapons of writing destruction. My best friends <3

Always the best of wishes, 
Tessa Rose x 

Monday, 21 May 2012

Promotional Appeal.

Followers, I understand to you this post may seem a little pointless but I assure you - I have not gone insane or lost my touch. This post is in regards to some promotional work I have been looking at and therefore I am doing a post including some snaps of myself in the scenario of a potential employer looking for someone to do face to face promotional work.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Article - Rupert Murdoch & Journalistic Power.

The Price of a Story
When journalism becomes a million dollar scandal - Tessa O’Neill reports.

Rupert Murdoch could be considered as the ruler of the media industry, being founder, CEO and chairman of Global Media Holding News Corporation – the largest media company in the world. But, everyone knows success comes at a price. It is often difficult to make your way to the top by playing closely to the rules, so therefore when the topic of Rupert Murdoch comes up, are words such as loyalty and honesty the first things to come to mind?

Rupert Murdoch was thrown in to the media industry at the young age of 21, with the takeover of the directorial position of “News Limited” from his father in 1952. It did not take long for Murdoch to get a taste of that success that flared his competitive edge, following with the expansion to the United Kingdom after purchasing news publication companies “News of the World” and “The Sun”. After being in the media management industry for less than a decade, Murdoch already owned multiple companies across Australia and New Zealand and two of the largest publication companies in the United Kingdom, yet this was still only the beginning. The 1980’s saw Murdoch’s expansion to the United States of America, as he bought the “New York Times” in 1981 then continued to gain citizenship in 1985. Murdoch, now a proud American citizen, continued to acquire multiple successful media publication and broadcast companies such as “Twentieth Century Fox” in 1985, “Harper Collins” in 1989 and the “Wall Street Journal” in 2007. Rupert Murdoch was rapidly becoming the most successful man in the media industry, owning over 800 companies in 50 different countries by the year 2000, with an estimated net cost of over $5 billion.

Rupert Murdoch had obtained the success and money that many people can only dream of, but success is like a drug. The rush of having control becomes an addiction that is increasingly difficult to fulfil. Being at the top of a business food chain, it is your responsibility to take the repercussions of the actions of those bellow you. In July 2011, Rupert Murdoch was faced with allegations that employees from his company, “News of the World”, had been hacking the phones of innocent people in the chase for a top selling story. Suspicion was first aroused when there was an unusual discovery in the UK’s “Milly Dowler” abduction and murder case. Police had discovered that recorded messages on Dowler’s voicemail box had been heard and deleted, giving hope to police and the Dowler family that Milly may have still been alive. It was later discovered that Glenn Mulcaire, a private investigator hired by “News of the World” employees had gained access to the voicemail and was passing his findings to be exploited and used as a journalistic ploy for “News of the World”.  

Discovering that employees of Murdoch’s company “News of the World” had been exploiting people for their selfless gain quickly erupted, causing an elaborate investigation in to the company and Mulcaire’s files. Investigations unravelled deceit and abuse of power, with the discovery of files containing personal information from the telephones of deceased British soldiers and families of the London 7/7 bombing victims. Murdoch’s credibility was depreciating faster than a modern day new year’s resolution, with many sponsors and partners losing faith in his professionalism. Murdoch’s years of hard work and strategic business moves were falling to pieces because of a scandal that he may or may not have even had knowledge of.

The 2011 Murdoch phone hacking scandal saw the closure of “News of the World” on the 7th of July 2011with son of Rupert, James Murdoch’s announcement of “News of the Worlds” final edition to be published on the 10th of July 2011. This proves, in the media industry, it is seemingly easier to fall then to fly. Society left stunned and appalled, Rupert Murdoch’s public image went from being strong successful to conniving and un-trustworthy.

Journalists hold a certain power over society in which they have the choice on how their findings are presented and acknowledged.  This power can easily become clouded when greed and power interfere with the original task of being an honest spokesperson for the public. The rise and fall of Rupert Murdoch’s credibility in the public eye is a concise example of journalistic corruption. Journalists must take in to precaution the repercussions of their actions and acknowledge what their personal duties entail, because the slightest mistake can see the something as large as the fall of a multi-million dollar company. 

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Let me inject my thoughts in to your mind!

You are getting funky with Tessa Rose! 
Exciting news - the podcasts of my last couple of shows have impacted on the world wide web therefore as promised - for those of you with the spark of interest in following my journalistic shenanigans, here is your portal to my rad radio experiences. 

Okay, this one below is my first ever appearance on live radio - including the intro for the lunch bunch's debut then followed by my segment "Arts on Air" reviewing Boy Girl Wall then myself chatting with Peter on "Peter's Piss Takes"!

The second pocast, includes my introduction with Dougal Austin on the Lunch Bunch's second show followed again with "Arts on Air" with my review of "The Avengers". If you keep tuning after my review, you can hear Dougal talking about John Waters. 
Enjoy ladies and gents, 
Stay tuned - there will be more coming at ya! 

Love Tessa Rose x

Ps. Oh look at who got given a free crete of beer!
      Living the dream!

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Tessa's Top Fellas.

Blog followers, you are aware of how rare it is for myself to post about other people unless it is in relation to my journalistic shananigans therefore today is a special day. I hereby present to you, a special promotional blog entry for two amazing blokes.

Rewind: The course I am currently studying has inspired me to get my name out there and discover what I want in my career. I am not alone, by my side is my supportive and amazing class mates on their own journey to make there entry in to the journalism scene. We have all adapted out different ways of familiarizing ourselves with the industry. Personally, I write reviews and blog entries. But I wish to present to the blog world - Chad and Adam. My fellow classmates, who have taken to artistic independence, neglecting the judgement of bystanders, in creating these quirky podcasts they like to call "DNMs". They have fueled my fire, in inspiring me to review their work and in doing this process - I discovered something. These kids are talented! But don't take it from me, bellow I have attatched some links to their podcasts. Intelligent, witty and some what dry humor - I don't see how these guys aren't getting paid for this. Check em out!



I hope you guys enjoy Chad and Adam's DNMs as much as I do!
For more information on Chad and Adam's DNMs, upcoming segments on SYN or just the life of Tessa Rose head to my FACEBOOK FANPAGE (link below).

With love and a cheeky smile,
- Tessa Rose <3

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Its always sunny at SYN.

Today in Melbourne was rainy, gloomy and just overall shit. But, you know what I think - bugger that! Rain, sun or shine - the SYN studio puts a smile on my dial.
Gathering with lovely kind hearted people to project our voices across the country, how could this not make an amazing day.
I hereby present to you, the lunch bunch crew & some other pics from the studio and post-show lunch.
My arts on air segment today dealt with everything AVENGERS! Review to be posted soon, keep your eyes pealed.


 (above) SYN 90.7 - The Lunch Bunch crew! Chad, Peter, John, Myself, Rosie & Courtney.

(right) My fellow radio presenters - Adam, Chad and Eman!

Keep smiling,
Tessa Rose x