Thursday, 26 April 2012

You are Tuning in to Tessa Rose..

Ahoy blogging buddies!

Excuse my silence, but await the awesome excuse. I have not had time to write on my blog lately because I have been projecting my voice across the country on SYN 90.7. Yes my friends, I have finally made my debut on the radio and might I say - I have fallen in love.
Placing rose coloured glasses in front of my blue eyes, to shade away the bad and make life a lovely reality. I feel inspired.
People often find themselves looking for a life purpose, or dwelling in self pity because they feel as if they are unable to find their purpose. Don't stress, don't fret, just smile.
I used to often find myself being a stress head, I over think things until my mind manages to make a tiny situation in to life crisis. But then I discovered something, a mental STOP.
Its not hard, just stop thinking - breathe - smile and try to think of the situation lightly. I usually end up laughing and realizing how stupid it is over thinking things.

So this was just a quick snap crackle and pop, I am off to make the most of this beautiful day in Melbourne because lets face it - they are rare!

Oh yeah, if you didn't get a chance to listen to the show here are the quick details! My class was on air from 10am to 1pm. I made my debut at 11:30, doing the inbetweeners show with some of the girls then continued on to my groups show "the lunch bunch" and to do my segment "arts on air" with a review of the play Boy Girl Wall. I wrapped up with some improvised nothings and rambles - as I always do.

Want to hear it for yourself?
Look out for the podcasts that I will be posting asap!
Want to listen live?
Wednesdays from 12pm - 1pm : BREAKFAST BUNCH
SYN 90.7 for Melbourne or LISTEN ONLINE for anywhere else :)

With love,
Tessa Rose x

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Theater Review: Boy Girl Wall by The Escapists

Creativity sculpted in to a 70 minute burst of quirky and artistic fun. The Escapist’s captivating production of “Boy Girl Wall” allows audiences from any demographic to have a light hearted laugh and a tear of joy. Don’t get me wrong, I am far from bias, therefore me saying that this production truly blew me away is a powerful thing. From the second he stepped on stage, the charming Lucas Stibbard captivated the audience, somewhat taking control of their emotions. He held this power to eliminate any scepticism one may have and turn it to optimism allowing every patron to leave the theatre with a smile from ear to ear.  He was truly a pleasure to watch, as he released these bursts of energy across the stage.

Audience captivation was definitely the key in this production. The use of Brecht style techniques, such as stepping out of character to address the audience, was a smart move for this piece. These techniques allow audience members to mentally adapt to the play on multiple levels. Lucas truly did optimise his talent on stage and used it to his advantage, conveying the story in a way that was fun and light hearted but still somewhat powerful.

This play was very well written, expressing an amusing and romantic story but also offering a powerful message, easy for audience members to relate to from their perspective.  Throughout the play, you will find these delightful quotes that reinforce the message behind Boy Girl Wall. A personal favourite of mine being when Lucas pointed out that; “being late and lost is the worst, you know why? Because being late and lost means that you are in the wrong place at the wrong time”. Don’t reference me on that one, it isn’t word for word but you get the gist.

Intelligent, fun and unique; and I am only now referencing to the idea of having a piece of chalk as one of the main stage props. This was such a creative idea, placing this dainty piece of chalk in Lucas’s pocket to be used throughout the play as a prop to demonstrate the message to the audience and also entertain in a new and spontaneous way. A great example of this being a point at the beginning of the play when an alarm sounds and for the sound to stop, Lucas was forced to draw a picture of an alarm clock on the wall and hit it. This was very clever.

As you can see, I truly only have good things to say about the Escapist’s “Boy Girl Wall”. This creative production has blown anything even close to constructive criticism out of the water because honestly there is not one thing I can criticise. With a play concluding with loud waves of cheering and praise, it seems as if I am not the only one that believes that “Boy Girl Wall” is a delightful modern masterpiece.

I thoroughly enjoyed my “Boy Girl Wall” experience on opening night at the MTC theatre in the heart of Melbourne city. I highly recommend this play to anyone who loves kind hearted humour and quirky fun. The Escapists have gone above and beyond in the creation of this play and should be confident that they have produced a blissful success.

The above review will be airing on local Melbourne radio station SYN 90.7 in this up-coming season along with an interview of Neridah Waters - on of the brains behind Boy Girl Wall and part of the theater group the escapists. It has been a pleasure working with the publicist for this production, Mayuca Pandita, and member of the escapists - Neridah Waters. My sincere thanks go out to not only Mayuca and Neridah, but The Escapists for putting this production together and the MTC theater for giving me the opportunity to experience this joyful piece of art! 

Tessa Rose
Boy Girl Wall - Melbourne Opening night (18th April 2012)
Review – SYN 90.7

Friday, 13 April 2012

Thank F&%$ its Friday.

Just a short blast of amazingness to kick off your weekend!
That 5 days of torturous reality has come to an end for the 48 hour bliss which is "the weekend".
Speaking from a nine-fiver working gal perspective that is, to all you hospitality workers who are slaving away all weekend - i truly feel for you! But in saying that, have fun serving me booze from behind the bar all weekend suckers ;)

I hope you all had an amazing week - Mine wasn't bad at all. Ended the week with a smile. 
Need a pick me up? Are you currently think "f&%$ my life" .. well let me tell you a story that may make you smile!
For the last 3 months of living in my humble aboad in the northern suburbs, my strange asian neighbour has been peering in our windows. He does it in this odd way, where I assume he thinks that no one can tell he is doing it... Pretty much the only way to explain in awkward run by's and quick gazes as he darts his head back and forth at the window. Bizarre, correct? At first, I felt insecure but then I started to simply get used to it .. as wrong as that is. Well, today my friends it went to a whole new level. Approximately 10 minutes ago I was exiting the bathroom in my towel, only the be startled by those beady eyes glaring in the window. Fantastic. 
More shock them shame from my behalf, but I do believe it is time to have words with this odd fellow. 

Well my fellow blog rockers, 
I hereby wish you an amazing weekend.
Make the most of it, because before we know it we will be sitting behind that desk itching to concur the sale goals, please our bosses and working our arses off to make everyone else happy.
Look at it this way .. Work = Money = Freedom to have amazing weekends.

Love always! 
- Tessa Rose xx 

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

So Individual that it is Mainstream?

The suburb I live in is very cultured in the sense of this modern concept of the "hipster" or sometimes known as "indies".
The streets are polluted with ugly sweaters, big boots, scruffy beards and that awful mustard colour. Correct me if I am wrong, but this look started out as an expression to be different - a scream to be noticed, to be INDIVIDUAL. To me, it seems as if this craze has spread faster then the swine flue did a couple years back, they are bloody everywhere!
Okay, so here I am walking down the main stretch, surrounded by all these people striving to be individual in their ugly clothes and I notice - suddenly, I am the individual. Wearing my mainstream tight jeans and a singlet, or god forbid a colourful floral print dress, I am standing out from the crowd.
This phase of fashion confuses me, they all look like hairy homeless people. Most of the time, I am unsure whether I should innocently walk past them or give them a dollar out of sympathy. Bloody hipsters. They are so individual, that its mainstream. Congratulations, you conformed to a craze started by one individual - now that it is over, maybe you should dress like a normal human being.

I shouldn't just pin point hipsters, its just, they are the ones that I see everyday. They are the ones looking at me like I am bizarre - well, I am bizarre but they don't know that! I am not going to buy an itchy over sized ugly mustard sweater - I am not conforming. Fashions pass, just like the seasons. For now, I will just smile and observe their faces as they take a sip of their red wine that is merely for show because you can tell that the taste actually repulses them.

I could try and explain where this is coming from, but to be honest its completely random. That is just how my mind works. Blissfully bizarre and totally random!

I hope you all had an amazing easter and are enjoying being back at work, school ect.
Welcome back to reality!

-Tessa Rose xx

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Share The Love!

Are you a big fan?! 

See what I did there - pretty crafty.

Love my blog, Like my page!

Keep smiling <3

With Love,
Tessa Rose xx

Awake from your escape.

A sense of refreshment and bliss always seem to follow me after I have returned from the country. I feel very lucky that my father is still living in the house I grew up in, it gives me the opportunity to visit the place I consider as home whenever I like. Nestled in the beauty of the Australian country side, I have spent my last 24 hours sleeping in my childhood bedroom, reminiscing childhood memories with my sisters and laying in the sun by the pool. Leaving this afternoon, I felt truly peaceful and ready to return to my dodgy little house in the outer-suburbs of Melbourne, but I have a problem - that I will admit.
I always seem to assume, that just because I feel happy and at peace - that everyone else feels the same. It is unrealistic, and makes me seem a little self-absorbed but I think the source of this assumption comes from the difference of being around your family to suddenly being around acquaintances, room mates and innocent by-standers.

Your family, especially if you haven't seen them in a while, will have a smile to the moon and back from when they first set their eyes on you until the moment you say goodbye. It really justifies you existence by showing respect and making you feel welcome and loved. Then when you return to the city of strangers and people that see you everyday - being back hits you like the metro train in the face. This post is like a joke without a punchline - just some meaningless rambles of someone that wished they stayed at Dad's longer. The same person that is speaking about themselves in "second person" for no reason... I don't know what I am doing, back to speaking from my point of view.

Although the last two paragraphs would suggest that I am feeling a little blue - honestly I am feeling a-okay. Having some me time - sitting on the couch in my PJs with the house to myself :) The only downfall is watching my AFL team lose. Buggers have to whip themselves in to shape - on the tigers!

How are you my readers? Friends and curious strangers, absent mindedly stumbling upon this blog of pointless nothings.

In the spirit of the season, I would love to wish you all a happy and safe Easter. If you are spending your holiday season with the ones you love, such as family and true friends, hug them extra hard this Easter because you love them and they love you in return; and that is truly special.

Keep smiling - and if you are keeping up my blog entries, remember to expect the unexpected. In reference to what I may write next, you know as much as I do.

Happy Easter.

With love,
- Tessa Rose xx

Me, right now, in my comfy PJs =)

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Short & Sweet.

You know that amazing moment when you realize that your life is exactly where you want it to be.
No? Don't worry - It is just around the corner <3

The last few months, for myself personally, have not been easy.
Broken heart, thrown out of home, broken spine, learning how to walk again, moving state, starting a new job and course, rebuilding my life.. Drastic changes, but now I sit and smile as I think - I wouldn't change a thing.

With good will and the spirit of inspiration - I wish to thank everyone that has supported me through my endeavors.

Remember readers, you are never alone - Good friends and family would go to the moon and back just to make you smile :)

And because this is me talking, have some sarcasm on the side of this inspirational message - if no one loves you, get a cat and start knitting sweaters.. or depending on how depressed you are maybe get a few cats.

And, a huge thanks to my publicity team! 

Have an amazing today and a blissful tomorrow,
I shall return it due time with more meaningless rambles.

-Tessa Rose xx

Monday, 2 April 2012

Step in to the galaxy of the unknown, the galaxy inside my mind.

Double lives and hidden agendas... 

A creative ploy in to a more interesting life or a tangled web of lies and deceit?
If you had the chance, to live a double life - would you?
Let me clarify - throughout life we are constantly learning new things and decifering our likes and dislikes to eventually shape up to be this person we have created.. We are entirely in control of the process of creating our lives.
Some, chose the path of self desire. Tailoring their life in a way that gives them maximum enjoyment and fulfillment - neglecting how others in society view them. I like to think of myself as one of those people, but lets face it - we are always going to care what other people think of us. But the next step is deciding on how you are going to let that affect you.
I find myself quite often being judged by others, such is life but I always try to take a mental stand and think "who are they to judge me, I'm having fun and that is all that matters". Unfortunately, this is not always easy though.
Swinging back on topic - what if you had the option to change who you are at will. For example - today I could be "Tessa - the clumsy and slightly ditsy girl with the crazy and sometimes intense charismatic attitude who laughs at irrelevant things" but then tonight I could be "Claire - the promiscuous bitch with an attitude, breaking hearts across the city (ie. the anti-Tessa).
I hold the power, yet, never would I take on the responsibility of making a dramatic 180 flip of my life, even if only for a short amount of time.

There are people that do find some sense of excitement similar to adrenalin by doing things like this though. What sparks my curiosity though is - are these people shameless liars?
How far is to far? People are meeting and associating with society as someone that they are not.

This confuses me immensely.. and then arises the question - if I could be a different person, would I?
No. Not a chance.
It took me a while to come to this conclusion .. living in a modern society fueled by greed and always having that lingering vision of a better life, sure it would be nice to live in luxury or even be able to buy wine that doesn't contain the shitty left over grapes and sells at $2 a bottle, but I chose this life. I took a risk, moving my entire life from one end of Australia to the other and you know what - I am living a regret free life.
To conclude this subject - we should embrace the freedom to be whoever we want to be. Don't let social status or sometimes even common life practice keep you down. 
Take risks! We only live once.

On a lighter note, my career as a free-lance journalist took another step today. I like saying that, its makes me feel a little spesh when in reality I am a student working in a call center that writes blog entries and news articles in my spare time. Anyways! I had my first hands on experience in radio presentation today! My fellow classmates and I headed to the radio studio to suss it all out and record some demos.
Might I say - It was a blast! It has really sparked my enthusiasm towards this industry. I know this is my life calling, I just have to get through this dodgy waiting period before my career takes flight. Patience is key, not to mention I am still young! I am trying to embrace my chance to have fun while I can because shit will get SERIOUS before I know it! So, in regards to my demo - I have attatched the link to the podcast bellow. My ramble is in the approx 3 mins in, touching on the subject of awkward public transport encounters!
For those who don't know me - Hi, I am Tessa and you will hear my annoying voice say things such as "that last song was gypsy and the cat with piper song, you are listening to Tessa and Ayla on SYN"
After you hear that, you will be able to pick up when its me talking. I have one of those voices that you can hear from a mile away and never forget. I often get told I have a big mouth, I assume this isn't referring to the physical size of my mouth.

DEMO 1 - Screen and Media Class. "How Awkward!"

"I highly recommend you take a look!" - This Asian Man

Okie doke ladies and gents! Before I bid you a kind farewell, I wish to insert my thoughts in to your brains. What do ya'll have to look forward to?! 
  • A review of the play "Boy Girl Wall" - google it!
  • Possibly an audio interview with local Melbourne based comedian. 
  • More audio demos - more excuses for me to talk! 
  • & Other amazing things that I can't think of right now!
I wish you all the best with your life endeavors or crazy antics, and remember - don't touch pigeons or you will get a disease. 

Love always,
The amazing Tessa Rose <3