That 5 days of torturous reality has come to an end for the 48 hour bliss which is "the weekend".
Speaking from a nine-fiver working gal perspective that is, to all you hospitality workers who are slaving away all weekend - i truly feel for you! But in saying that, have fun serving me booze from behind the bar all weekend suckers ;)
I hope you all had an amazing week - Mine wasn't bad at all. Ended the week with a smile.
Need a pick me up? Are you currently think "f&%$ my life" .. well let me tell you a story that may make you smile!
For the last 3 months of living in my humble aboad in the northern suburbs, my strange asian neighbour has been peering in our windows. He does it in this odd way, where I assume he thinks that no one can tell he is doing it... Pretty much the only way to explain in awkward run by's and quick gazes as he darts his head back and forth at the window. Bizarre, correct? At first, I felt insecure but then I started to simply get used to it .. as wrong as that is. Well, today my friends it went to a whole new level. Approximately 10 minutes ago I was exiting the bathroom in my towel, only the be startled by those beady eyes glaring in the window. Fantastic.
More shock them shame from my behalf, but I do believe it is time to have words with this odd fellow.
Well my fellow blog rockers,
I hereby wish you an amazing weekend.
Make the most of it, because before we know it we will be sitting behind that desk itching to concur the sale goals, please our bosses and working our arses off to make everyone else happy.
Look at it this way .. Work = Money = Freedom to have amazing weekends.
Love always!
- Tessa Rose xx
Ok you MUST post a blog about the conversation that you have with this neighbor!! This is a story that I must hear :)