Thursday, 26 April 2012

You are Tuning in to Tessa Rose..

Ahoy blogging buddies!

Excuse my silence, but await the awesome excuse. I have not had time to write on my blog lately because I have been projecting my voice across the country on SYN 90.7. Yes my friends, I have finally made my debut on the radio and might I say - I have fallen in love.
Placing rose coloured glasses in front of my blue eyes, to shade away the bad and make life a lovely reality. I feel inspired.
People often find themselves looking for a life purpose, or dwelling in self pity because they feel as if they are unable to find their purpose. Don't stress, don't fret, just smile.
I used to often find myself being a stress head, I over think things until my mind manages to make a tiny situation in to life crisis. But then I discovered something, a mental STOP.
Its not hard, just stop thinking - breathe - smile and try to think of the situation lightly. I usually end up laughing and realizing how stupid it is over thinking things.

So this was just a quick snap crackle and pop, I am off to make the most of this beautiful day in Melbourne because lets face it - they are rare!

Oh yeah, if you didn't get a chance to listen to the show here are the quick details! My class was on air from 10am to 1pm. I made my debut at 11:30, doing the inbetweeners show with some of the girls then continued on to my groups show "the lunch bunch" and to do my segment "arts on air" with a review of the play Boy Girl Wall. I wrapped up with some improvised nothings and rambles - as I always do.

Want to hear it for yourself?
Look out for the podcasts that I will be posting asap!
Want to listen live?
Wednesdays from 12pm - 1pm : BREAKFAST BUNCH
SYN 90.7 for Melbourne or LISTEN ONLINE for anywhere else :)

With love,
Tessa Rose x


  1. This is very exciting! Too bad I can't catch these stations here in the states or I would defiitely give it a listen my friend.
