Thursday, 22 March 2012

A Day in the Life;

Ahoy there ladies and gentlemen! 

Bored? Procrastinating doing something important? or Simply interested in my meaningless rambles?
You are in for a treat! A personal anecdote of the most recent happenings in my life (hold your applause).

I recently realized that, in the last few months I have pretty much done the opposite of a sea change. Going from the laid back lifestyle of living on the coast to the upbeat and busy antics of the city I have often found myself confused and lost - not so much physically like wondering the streets for hours trying to figure out where I am, but more so mentally. It is definitely a big culture shock but, after two months of living in the big smoke, I am starting to adapt to my new surroundings and honestly - I am loving it.

Have you ever been through a big lifestyle change?
Then you will understand that its no where close to an easy process adapting to the new atmosphere.
But, the thing about life is, as bad as things get - eventually things get better. It is just how it works. The way you live life is really influenced by your state of mind, so my recommendation? Think of it this way - without the bad, how could we truly respect the good? If life was good all the time, we would take things for granted and get bored.

Deep hey? I am sooo alternative, such a hipster! Jokes - I am ahead on my course work, so I am using my time to ramble on about random shit. You know what would be cool though?
Feedback! Do you have something to say about my last few paragraphs? Have you read "The Tessa Rose Philosophy"?
Tell me what you think! Are you repulsed? Have I driven you to a point of insanity? Put you to sleep?
I want to know - good or bad:  constructive criticism, whatever - challenge me!

Anyways - a bit of personal news, I fond out yesterday that I got accepted for my first job since moving to the city (YAHOO). That's another thing about living in a big city - yeah its a culture shock but its also a shock to the bank account! Expensive is an understatement & employment means I can keep living in a place that I love! So you could definitely say that I am stoked :)

NOW: Things to look forward to in my blog!
- A creative piece I am writing about a personal experience that put me in hospital for two weeks, bought my friends and family together and  really changed my life. Trust me, it is not something you want to miss out on.
- A review of the play "Boy Girl Wall" is coming at you within the next month
- Maybe a few reviews of some gigs around the city & stuff seeming I have a job now and can afford tickets!
- Expect the unexpected - keep your eye out because you never know when I might post something totally AWESOME.

Thanks for reading,
I hope to hear from some of you soon!

Legit though, this photo confirms my level of boredom ^^


1 comment:

  1. A think a big lifestyle change can definitely do wonders sometimes - I've been contemplating one myself.

    You're also right when you say that as bad as things get that they always get better. There's an old saying "you cannot have a rainbow without the rain".

    Great post! Looks like you have many adventures ahead :)
