Sunday, 18 March 2012

Media Network Proposal

Last year, I was assigned the task of evaluating my views on Australian censorship. In response, I created a proposal for an online media network to clearly convey my views.


Part one – Introduction to

            The following report is a summary of overall censorship restrictions in Australia and how we at correspond in how we conduct our online television and film portal. We at strongly believe that the age people gain maturity to separate fiction from reality widely varies. Generally, we believe that people who have a love for the arts should have the maturity to view and access films that may have sexual or violent content without obtaining offence. This portal will be aimed at young adults who have a passion for artistic television and film, appealing mainly to people over the age of 17. will be accessible twenty four hours a day, 364 days a year, disregarding the modern censorship restrictions on free to air television.

Part Two – The Future of Internet Portals

             The world of media is fiercely changing, online anything is available at any time and believes that what society wishes to view shouldn’t be restricted. The advances in accessibility of internet, is causing the decrease of popularity of free to air television and an increase of online television portals. People of society want to see whatever they want whenever they want and online that is possible. Especially with the arrival of exceptionally fast speed NBN broadband, allowing people to load full movies within a few short minutes. Free to air television is the past; is prepared for the future.

Part Three – Current Censorship and Classification Regulations

            Currently, society’s viewing access is restricted by the Australian classification board of the OFLC (Office of Film and Literature Classification). The OFLC is a group of “experts” employed by the Australian government to evaluate films and television shows and make the final decisions on what is acceptable in this country for certain age groups and what is not acceptable at all. The OFLC claims to believe that adults should be able to view whatever they like, whenever they wish but children should be protected. It is an understandable statement, but in saying this, why do they have the power to decide the age of adult maturity and what is acceptable for us to see. As previously stated, people reach levels of maturity at different ages yet a mature person under the age of 18 years legally is unable to view films and shows with a classification of R18+, at these regulations don’t apply. believes that people should be able to evaluate their own level of maturity and decide what they can and cannot view.

            Society’s morals should not be in the hands of the OFLC. If parents do not want their children to view certain content, then it is their responsibility to protect their children and closely monitor what they are observing on the television and internet. Responsible people should not have to be restricted on what they wish to view, simply because certain content has been deemed inappropriate by a group of strangers. At, the trust is placed in the hands of the viewer to make decisions on what they believe is appropriate and inappropriate.    

Part Four – Security

            Under the circumstances, being that is of an artistic nature, we will not be censoring sexual or violent content. At, we believe that art should not have to be censored. In saying this, it is the viewers responsibility to decide what they wish to see and hear.

            At, current legalised restrictions will not apply. In our view, anyone who wishes to view films and television shows of artistic content should be able to do so whenever and wherever. This includes some films that have been refused classification in Australia such as Ken Park. has very limited restrictions, having only a basic terms and conditions page when you first attempt to enter the site. The following is an outline of the initial warning:


The following portal contains content that may be offensive to sensitive viewers. This portal contains material that may be of a violent nature or sexually explicate. Be aware that current government classification restrictions do not apply to this portal. Viewer discretion is advised.
Press CONTINUE to accept these terms and conditions. 

By pressing continue, they agree to take full liability in what they wish to view and hear.

            Upon entry of, there will be an option to sign up as a “pure-rose member”. If patrons wish to do so, they are then able to create a list of their preferred/favourite films and programs. We will then take this information and are able recommend similar films and ensure advertisements of films or programs irrelevant to the member do not appear. They will also be able to alter their profile settings, where they can personally censor what they view. For example, listing genres or specific film classifications as in-accessible from that account, ensuring that members can only view the things they desire.

Part Five – Advertising of

            Online film and television portals of an artistic nature are rare and when attempting to discover them through search engines, it is very easy to stumble upon content you aren’t looking for such as pornography or scams. Taking this in to consideration, we are trying to make it as simple as possible to inform the public of We are launching an internet advertising campaign, which will involve advertisements in the ’advertising section’ of popular social networking websites such as face book and twitter, listings on related websites such as artistic film/program review websites and opportunities for joining members to invite friends to join to receive prizes such as art house movie passes. This campaign will be running for approximately 4 months, then will be reduced to brief advertisements on specific websites and the launch of the PureRose face book and twitter pages.

Part Six – Film & Program Relevance at

The following table provides examples of which programs and films are relevant to and irrelevant.

Skins (UK)
Disney’s Tangled (USA)
Ken Park (USA)
Mad Max (AUS)
Swimming Pool (France)
Kill Bill (USA)
Run Lola Run (USA)
Dragon Ball Z (Japan)
Girl With the Dragon Tattoo trilogy (Sweden)
Sporting Events (WW)
Cash Back (USA)
Glee (USA)
Exit Through the Gift Shop (UK)
Red Dog (AUS)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (USA)
Dora the Explorer (Spain)
Tree of Life (USA)
Harry Potter series (UK)

 Overall, is prepared to deliver any content of an artistic nature. All information regarding censorship and classification is listed in this report, for any further enquiries please visit the “contact us” section at

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