Knowing that my blog is about as messy as a teenagers bedroom, take my hand and let me guide you through my wilderness of posts :)
The first thing you will discover on my blog is a promotional advertisement for my university course. I recently wrote this as a project and may be airing it on Melbourne's local community youth radio station SYN FM 90.7
Next is my Media Network Proposal - "pure rose". Unless you are a potential employer or really enthused about Australian Censorship and Classification regulations, I suggest you don't read this because it will probably put you to sleep!
"Are You Subjective to Their Lies?" is an article that touches on the media & documentary industry, demonstrating how difficult it can be to filter the truth from the lies.
This one is really fun! Next, you will stumble upon my personal philosophy! Pretty much like my personal instruction manual for when I mentally malfunction and go crazy. Let me enlighten your puny brains children, or read it and see if you can figure out how to really mess with my head and annoy me :)
-Just a heads up, if you can't already sense it, these is a lot of sarcasm scattered throughout this post-
Lastly, my creative response to JC Burke's "The Story of Tom Brennan". This was a project I did a couple of years ago that I thought I would throw up just for kicks. Creative writing isn't my best strength so don't be shocked if you are reading through and thinking "wow.. this is rubbish".
Now! Go forth minions, BROWSE - LOVE? - SUBSCRIBE! - SHARE!
And don't forget...
To laugh at this terrible photo of a younger me wearing Floaties togs!
Peace and Love From Tessa Rose xxx
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